Just today I found this great website- I think it's a blog and it shows different ad campaigns that are really powerful. It's called osocio.org - and it is sooo good!
I copied one from there just below:

Beijing Olympics: China is getting readyPosted by Marc 25-03-2008 21:29 Category: Beijing Olympics, Human rights, Politics
Three print ads from Amnesty International in Slovakia. China is getting ready (for the Beijing 2008 Olympics). “In the name of ensuring stability and harmony in the country during the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese Government continues to detain and harass political activists, journalists, lawyers and human rights workers. Get involved: www.amnesty.sk” Published: September 2007 Thanks Nedra Advertiser:Amnesty International Slovakia Agency:MUW Saatchi & Saatchi, SlovakiaSource:Ads of the World
Three print ads from Amnesty International in Slovakia. China is getting ready (for the Beijing 2008 Olympics). “In the name of ensuring stability and harmony in the country during the 2008 Olympic Games, the Chinese Government continues to detain and harass political activists, journalists, lawyers and human rights workers. Get involved: www.amnesty.sk” Published: September 2007 Thanks Nedra Advertiser:Amnesty International Slovakia Agency:MUW Saatchi & Saatchi, SlovakiaSource:Ads of the World
So anyway, you should visit the website. It's really interesting. Don't forget-
Well, see you all later!